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Jute Rug Cleaning

Jute and other plant-based rugs are some of the most popular on the market today. Jute is a long, shiny vegetable fiber that is often spun into coarse, strong threads.

Jute has two primary uses: as a backing of a rug and in combination with other fibers like wool as a secondary face yarn. Jute is tough and makes for a great rug in high traffic areas. But cleaning a jute rug is difficult and is usually best left to professionals.

We Clean Jute Rugs

Fuzzy Wuzzy’s team of expert rug cleaners are extremely familiar with jute area rugs. These rugs are very resistant to conventional cleaning methods. Many rug cleaners will use too much moisture when cleaning jute, which can permanently damage the fibers.

Our technicians go through an extensive pre-inspection of every rug we clean. Jute that is exposed to a lot of moisture can shrink and tear, essentially ruining the rug. Our in-plant cleaning process uses a low-moisture method, and we use an agitator to work the dirt out of the rug without having to saturate the entire rug.

Jute can easily lose its shape, and the colors will bleed if it’s exposed to too much water. The risk of having your jute rug cleaned by any other cleaner is not worth it. Choose Fuzzy Wuzzy.

Additional Rug Services

Pet Odor/Urine Removal
Let Fuzzy Wuzzy take care of those pet urine stains and odor! Our team of professionals will have your rugs looking and smelling fresh, removing even the toughest cat and dog smells. Our state-of-the-art process tackles all sorts of odors, bacteria, stains and marks left on your rugs. We give each rug individual attention and are committed to restoring your item to “like new” condition. Click here to read more about our guaranteed pet odor removal treatment.
Rug Repairs
If you live in western Washington, then we can help you bring your damaged rug back to life. We are professional rug weavers, knowing exactly how to color match the threads and reweave your rug. Click here to read about our high quality rug repairs.
Custom Cut Rug Pads
Many of our customers have us install a custom-cut rug pad under their rug. Not only is this a great option for comfort and safety, rug pads also keep your home cleaner and quieter while extending the life of your rug and floors. We offer three types of custom-cut pads: Eco Supreme, Eco Premium and Eco Value. Click here to see our full selection of rug pads.
Moth Damage Restoration
Rugs make a great focal point in a room, but, unfortunately, they also create very inviting homes for moths to lay eggs. The resulting damage can be devastating for your cherished area rug. Fuzzy Wuzzy offers moth damage restoration services. We can treat your rug and have all signs of the moth removed. We then put your rug through our extensive deep cleaning process, then identify any necessary repairs or alterations. Click here for more information about rug moths and how we can help.
Stain Guard Application
When it comes to rug stain protection, you can trust the professionals at Fuzzy Wuzzy to clean as well as treat your rugs for future stains spills. As an added service to our rug cleaning process, we offer stain guard application to your rug. This helps liquids remain on the surface while you quickly blot up the spill. This helps keep stains on your rug to a minimum. Click here to read more about how stain guard can help save your area rug.

How to Clean a Jute Rug

Our professionals recommend that you have your jute area rug cleaned every 12 to 18 months. Following that schedule will preserve the life of your jute rug, and require minimal cleaning yourself at home.

In between cleanings at Fuzzy Wuzzy, you can maintain the look of your jute rug by doing the following:

  • Use a soft bristle brush and a little water to clean up spills. Use a dry cleaning powder to clean the rug.
  • Vacuum a jute rug twice a week.
  • Dry any wet spills with a hair dryer or fan.

If you have any questions about having your jute rug cleaned, contact the rug cleaning team at Fuzzy Wuzzy today at 206-525-0058 or contact us online.

Free Pickup & Delivery Available

If you have jute rugs at your home and office and want to get them cleaned professionally, it can be difficult to gather them up and bring them to the cleaners. That’s why Fuzzy Wuzzy offers free pick up and delivery to all our customers in western Washington.

Our professional technicians will move your furniture, remove the rug, bring it to our cleaning facility, deliver the rug back and install it the way it was. You do not have to worry about doing anything yourself.

To schedule a pickup please fill out a contact form or give us a call at 206-525-0058.